Thursday, October 29, 2009


We reluctantly left the gorgeous hotel this morning but were in for a more comfortable day on the bus as, moving back by the rotation we got to the section where you have a ridiculous amount of leg room- after 2 days of no more room than on the Trafalgar buses. It seems stupid that the seats on the left had side of the bus have such different amounts of room when they are all on sliders that look like they can be moved if you had the right tools!

We had a very windy trip today with amazing views right through the high atlas mountains and OMG they were high! That took about 4 hours along the only road that takes you to Marrakesh. In winter the snow here is about 5 foot deep and there are red and yellow markers lining the road to mark where it is- hard to believe only 3 months before when we are all hot as, outside!

Abdul is still telling everyone to eat just cooked food as another of the group is sick, an older lady was vomiting today, felt sorry for her having to endure the winding road when she was feeling so ill. Lots of people have had diarrhoea but think it is more from the different food rather than a bug, as people mainly have jippy tummies rather than an obvious food poisoning or bacteria caused.

Arrived at the hotel- another really nice one, and after lunch we were back on the bus to souk where the markets are. It is oppressively hot and sticky here and got to 36C on our way back. We decided to walk to the hotel with another couple rather than wait while they took as us to the obligatory silver shop that wasn’t very cheap. Then into the pool to cool off.

Abdul then took us to the medina by night- where it comes alive with sights and sounds and smells- it was overwhelming really there was so much going on and so many people who come out every night to socialise! Snake charmers, musicians and poor monkeys on leads, there for you to pay for a picture with them. The men want money for everything. Then on to the optional meal at a flash place where we had all the different dishes and watched the entertainment of a fire eater, acrobat- who did amazing things with his body! And belly dancers. Yes Graeme ended up again!

When we were leaving all these black Mercedes arrived with drivers and police and we were like hmmmm whats happening? It turned out to be a international delegation for something or other, coming to the show we had just had. Graeme tried to tell us all that it was Gaddafi!

Then all into bed- are feeling a bit tired now!


knapgoes said...

Love it. Although Graemes dancing looks more like he's at a rave and less like belly dancing to me!!!

knapgoes said...

PS Are those offerings to the gods in the photo on the mountain top with what looks like plates and tiles and beads etc????

Danni said...

that photo of you to is cute the one where you are looking away from the camera
Love Danni

deliverygirlnz said...

that was about it too- how those girls shimmy like thst I will never know altho I think I have the right kind of tummy flab to belly dance well (and the boobs haha!)Did you like the green dress- look familiar??!!

the 'offering' on the top of the mountain was a stall. They stand on the side of these great winding roads and sell trinkets- but if you fell off the cliff an offering to the gods would be a good idea!

Hi Danni
that photo was funny, we were trying to get one with the massive view in front of us and a funny american lady took the camera and made us hold hands and look adoringly at each other- very sweet lol