Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Have meant to say Mum- we have had absolutely NO motion or sea sickness since we boarded this ship. It is the first one that has been so incredibly stable that you can watch the waves outside AND eat dinner without getting even the tiniest bit motion sick!

Today we visited the oldest port in Europe. Cadiz is on a spit which goes out to the atlantic ocean. A fantastically sunny blue day again today- is so great after Britain. Amazing that they are only a 3 hour flight apart yet worlds apart in weather!

We were able to get off in the port and walk across the road and we were there. Wandered the streets again, were looking for the museum but it was an absolute rabbit warren of streets that didn’t match the map we had, so we just walked. You really notice the work that goes into the public gardens and tree’s – and there are statues everywhere in honour of the Spanish forebears.

Not a lot of English spoken anywhere, but you can get by with a word or two and sign language as you need it. After trying to find sunscreen in Malaga yesterday (“Hola, solais” while rubbing your arms etc!) and eventually finding it at $50 a small bottle we decided to wait till today and found it for $10 in a small deli like shop- they are everywhere in Cadiz. So that’s good, as although it doesn’t burn like home, I couldn’t find the sunscreen I bought at home.

We came back after a few hours and had a lovely lunch on the ship at 2pm then lay in the sun at the back of the ship by the big tv screen. Went to a show before dinner called midnight in Paris- they did the can-can with amazing dexterity and a lovely array of very nice looking bums in g-strings (the girls that is!)

Enjoyed the laughter with our waiter at dinner tonight, Andy Mohammed Ismail- a lovely man from Indonesia. He has a giggle like Billy Connellys, only quieter! And was telling us he is on board for 10 months of every 12 and has been doing it for 20 years. Must work for the wife and family !!

PS. Danni you are clever about suggesting writing the blog in word then cutting and pasting it- that is exactly what we do and we also have a programme to compress the photos so they load quicker, that means we can pit more on as we know they make it much more interesting than just writing.


Anonymous said...

thats good its good that i am smart then lol. thats also some really cool photos there

Love Danni

Ma and Pa said...

This cruise sounds like heaven on earth. And seeing those beautiful azure skies in the photos - bliss!
How's the humidity levels?