Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Up and at ‘em at 6.15am today, feeling a little worse for wear after yesterdays long day and rough drive but ok once everyone was up and going!
We hit the road and drove for a couple of hours to the Todra gorge, which has towering rocks in a long skinny canyon with a clean river running through. The scenery outside is still eye popping at times, then stretches of flat rocky ground as far as you can see.

But today we saw lots of Kasbah’s (“Rock the Kasbah, rock the Kasbah”) which are fortified castles/ houses- originally built to protect its inhabitants. This is called the road of a thousand Kasbahs as many have just been deserted and left standing after hundreds of years of its communities living there. They apparently move on and build a new one when the old one begins to crumble, so they line the roadsides like ghost towns (with satellite dishes??!!)

Stopped at a fantastic hotel for another included lunch, sitting next to the pool that tortured you as it was hot and we didnt have time (or togs) to swim in! We were also taken into a traditional tent for a mint tea ceremony, which is the national drink here- very strong! Then back on the bus until we reached the final destination – of which it is impossible to pronounce and involves a lot of phlegmy sounds!!

Abdul took us into another Kasbah that is inhabited and we looked around and tried a bit of the tortilla like bread the woman made for us. Felt a bit like we were invading their homes but know they need the money, therefore let us in??

Down the road to the hotel Le Berbere Palace- SO flash! The pool area looks like a 5 star resort, with day beds and rattan furniture and a humongous pool. Bummer we come in late and move on early so cant partake, but nice to look at.

Same routine – dinner, internet and bed-still really enjoying it though. This crowd are pretty good, less Australians than previously, and some really nice Canadians and Americans. Of course we have several moaners with loud voices- female this time but we just give them a name like “Fog Horn Alice (Springs)! But the slightly younger age has been good too, no old old biddies really- a few single older women but at least they aren’t too doddery (how do you spell that?)
Sat and had heaps of laughs today with Maureen a Writer and Nurse from New York- we have the exact same sense of humour, so spent an hour or so having quite a few laughs about the personalities you meet on tour.


Anonymous said...

Must admit I never had Morocco down for much but looks so interesting and the pics in the dessert fantastic. bet you're glad was on Graemes wish list. Job is ok - didn't leave in the end - they offered me a lower grade role which I accepted for the time being - although they tweaked my job description it is actually doing the same job! Fathom that out, but in the current market got to take what's available!?
love Matt & Michelle

knapgoes said...

Ok yip agree cant pronounce the place name... love the new wait... thats just your laptop.... lol

Hmmm risky risky eating the dodgy tortilla I would have abstained!!! But when in Morocco!!!

deliverygirlnz said...

Hi Matt
yeap Morocco is a surprise alright- there is so much growth- building construction, here that it will be interesting if you return in 5-10 years and there are so many natural wonders to see. Well worth it except everyone is slowly getting crook tummies no matter how careful they are!
Re your job, they dont sound like they are very into making their staff feel valued do they- you are still worth more than that!

yay you are back on! Yes the handbag was the laptop, I had been online in the lobby where the reception was and had to go!

The tortilla had just been made and was straight out of the oven, so thats ok, tho Its all a bit dodgy here even in the very flash hotels we have stayed in food wise!