Sunday, October 25, 2009


Our room has 2 small balconies you can see in the pics from last night and if you have the doors open the street noise is amazing, but shut them and its really quiet. So had the sleep of the dead but both woke up a bit shattered after yesterday’s fiasco.
Had a lovely breakfast at the hotel and then went to reception for our shuttle, but not before Graeme didn’t make it into the skinny lift in time on the 8th floor and I was on one side pushing buttons while he was doing the same on the other!! So he arrived about 5 mins later in reception lol.

Got the shuttle which is a lot less painful at 12 euros than 35 for the taxi! But the hotel has fixed times so you need to try and fit in. We arrived to the airport 2 ½ hours before our flight, bracing ourselves for what we experienced last time with easyjet- chaotic passengers queued Everywhere! But no…. This time- a dream, no queue at all and the guy that served us could speak a little bit of English. He said he is going to NZ next year and asked if it is true you can keep penguins in your house!!!!!!!!!! Someone is telling him porkies! He couldn’t believe it cos they smell so bad and how did we put up with it??!!

Got through the strict luggage weights ok cos we have had so many flights we know what we have to take out and carry in our hand luggage and we were exactly 20 kilos each so that was good. Waited round for an hour and a half then amazingly- considering there were hundreds of people, we and one other guy were the ONLY ones who had paid, what we think is a measly 17 euros for speedy boarding. Meaning you are first on board as easyjet don’t allocate seating, so we were able to go to the front of the queue- great as we are getting a tad tired of airports after 3 flights in 3 days with 3 different airlines! Haha.

The flight to Morocco was only 1 ½ hours – thank god as our noses were assailed by the Spaniard next to us had raging B.O and the baby behind us with a stinky nappy! Geez Louise we can pick ‘em! The BO was d.i.s.g.u.s.t.i.n.g as every time he moved, (he was a jiggler!) big wafts of acrid sweat hit us- Dad it might even have bet your Italian man with who reeked of garlic??!!

Anyhow, arrived no worries and back 2 hours timewise- we have been through so many time zones I would have no idea except that the laptop is still on NZ time which is helpful. We are now 11 hours behind NZ again!

Immigration was VERY serious, so thank god Graeme doesn’t get all hot and sweaty like he used to cos he always looked like he had done something, which attracts attention in airports (and never, Never say the B word)! B.o.m.b… in little words cos I’m whispering!

Found the tour director after a bit and am now sitting with Arabs in the arrivals hall for an hour or so till the last people arrive for the Insight transfer. His name is Abdullah Hula something or other I cant quite remember! But he seems very lovely- smiley (which you just don’t see a lot in Europe, more a cultural thing I think) and he touches your arm in a grandfatherly way when he talks- I like it! Then we are off to the Sheraton. Will be interesting if the hotels are a step up from Trafalgar as they are meant to be, and more central.

Getting a good vibe about Morocco and the tour/director etc which is good considering this is a ‘Stand by your man thing” for me as Morocco was on Grays bucket list rather than mine! But could be an enlightening experience all round?!

Later- had a welcome drink and meal last night- was good, mostly Australians again which is good, also British-4, Americans- ?4, Kiwis-4 and Irish-2, Canadians-4. There are a total of only 39 on Insight tours so 10 people less in a bus means a lot more legroom we hope! This group looks younger then most with a good amount of people our age or either side of us age wise.

The Sheraton is very nice- although wasn’t sure about having to walk through a metal detector in the lobby each time you come in??!! But we have been told Morocco is a very safe and liberal country.
We were promoted from the 9th to the 11th floor after finding we had been given single beds- no way says Graeme! So were changed no worries. The main languages here are French and Arabic, but all the hotel staff speak to you in French which they learn from 5 years old, then English is mandatory from 12 years old, which is great for us.


Danni said...

wow its is sounding like you are having a really good time!
later on this week (starting nz's tuesday-thursday) I won't be able to write any comments for a while cause I have exams on those days!

Love Danni

Ma and Pa said...

Hmm Tour Director touching Din's arm in a grandfatherly way - told you Graeme, keep an eye on her, the A-rabs will be after her! She's just their cup of tea...

deliverygirlnz said...

Hi Dan
okay no worries about your exams, remember to take a deep breath before you start and read the questions slowly thru so you dont mis-read anything.
And if you are stuck on one, go on to the others and come back to it.

You will do great- we can all see the difference in you since you went to southwell and just how much you have learnt there!

M & D- look at the photo of Abdul on the bus in his fathers red hat, he is most definitely the grandfatherly sort! He is very kind to us all and is our mother hen so to speak!!

Anonymous said...

Very funny no shortage of Arabs where I am. And every second one is Abdullah. Glad you guys are having a great time in Morocco, sometimes suprising when you have low expectation. Would like to go myself, actually did a training proposal for a coal fired station over there so should be carful what I wish for!!

Take Care


knapgoes said...

Oh really I am meeting sam tomorrow so will get the scoop re calf day! I can just imagine. Yip big email to come. Hopefully get my computer back tomorrow so i can update you. Sydney rocked.... Just been away for four days staying in a mansion Bach catching some monster fish but would stll trade places with you in a flash