Thursday, October 15, 2009


Into Lisbon or Lisboa as the natives call it this morning. It had been raining when we woke earlier in the night but it turned into another most perfect sunny day again- so appreciate it after Britain.

We got the MSC buses from the port and although expensive at 18 euros, it really was too far to walk and they make it so easy for you. They dropped us in the shopping district which had a fantastic huge arched entrance from the seafront- with statues in great stride everywhere.

What a fantastic day it was- started off by the fact that we found almost all Portugese speak English, felt like hugging them! Makes it SO much easier. Also the prices here are like NZ or cheaper – a real contrast to all the other countries we have visited so far. There were shoe and watch stores everywhere.

The mosaic tiles in the roads are a work of art and in the old part of the city- Alfama, the buildings date from pre-1755 when an earthquake destroyed most of Lisbon. This was the only part to survive and it is amazing.
You walk along the sea front then start inland- there are no roads, just winding little alleyways that twist and turn all the way up the hills. Then we somehow came out to a stunning view point over the sea, with a kiosk selling ice cold beer next to it- nectar of the gods!

Then we walked up to the old castle at the top and found our Portugese mailbox photo- people think we are so strange haha! Oh well……. Its been really interesting to take note of all the colours of the mailboxes in all the different countries. Then wandered down a more main road and came across a very old Catholic church with massive studded doors.

All in all our favourite day today- Lisbon has many wide open spaces which gives it a majestic feel. Really want to come back again.

We got the bus back and onto the sun decks for a sunbathe and swim. After only 3 hours lying in the sun the past 3 days, we have tog lines- YAY Danni, hear that, Mum has tan marks!! (sorry private joke!)

Had a delicious dinner tonight- I am going to photograph the menu and make you all read it tomorrow cos its so impressive. Graeme decided to demonstrate how most of the Germans were eating/chewing tonight around us. It’s like their teeth are all stuck together with chewing gum and they chew very intensely. A bit like their manners- so so pushy and forthright.

Oh that reminds me – we were standing in a queue this morning to get our bus tickets and a woman in front was talking and I said “Oh an English speaking person”. Got into a conversation with her and ….Oh Dear, She was from Greymouth and now lives in Oz. Gavin and Sharleen - Greymouth is better off now….. She was missing most of her top teeth, clutching her fags like they were a long lost love, and telling us very loudly with lots of expletives how she was also put onto the 2nd dinner sitting on arrival, but got on the 1st sitting by telling them that they would be so p*ssed by the 9pm one if they didn’t change them!!
Maybe it’s good to be quiet sometimes..!!!


Ma and Pa said...

Your Greymouth lady (I use the term advisedly) had obviously not heard about the fact that the Nizlan' accent was well-respected -fancy including expletives in it - as if Kiwi's would swear ...!! not.
As the rain trickles down the windowpane here again, the sight of the beautiful blue sky in your photos is balm to the soul. Having said that, our green grass and trees are world-beaters because of the rain. Ah well, can't have it both ways...

Anonymous said...

In defense of Greymouth, I am sure that "lady" has learned those bad manners since she has been in Oz!!! What do you think?
Have got to agree with Ma and Pa, those blue skies look wonderful.
Love Gill C

Jessica said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! Lisbon looks INCREDIBLE. All your travels make me jealous! I'm glad you're having a fabulous time!!!

Danni said...

lol well i don't care what your tain looks like i still bet you that my tain looks way better than yours as the weather is getting better and i am getting browner! hahaha
you will never win the taining contest against me as i am the pre! a.k.a. the master

Love Danni

Ma said...

Danni has a tain??? wow!!

deliverygirlnz said...

hmmmm....... Danni a tain?? SOunds painful to me- but my TAN is so much better than yours at the moment kid- even Dad thinks Im brown as!!

Mum- yes the blue skies here are balm to the soul to be in! It feels SO good after Britain and I go back and look at the pics and everything is gray, gray gray in the sky!

GIll- that lady was yucky! Are Gavin and Sharleen reading the blog?? You will have to direct them to it is not (I should have got a photo of that lady from Greymouth!)) lol

Hi Jess- great to hear from you. Yes it is fantastic but you are growing something pretty fantastic too- the little bambino!!