Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Woke today after an incredibly comfortable sleep on a bed that had a huge feather mattress on top- heaven!

Got up and had a first for brekky- a ham and cheese crepe, which I think is a common Greek meal as you can get them morning, noon and night, either sweet or savoury. Also homemake pastries and freshly squeezed orange juice.

Right outside our hotel is a mosque and a minaret as well as the street of the knights- you can just imagine bygone times and medieval soldiers marching through the streets. ( the photo of the minaret is one the steps of the hotel)
Also remember if you want to see the pics better, especially while we arent on expensive internet time and dont have to compress them- that you can click on each photo and it will blow it up- the minaret one has a couple of interesting things in the photo when you do this- find the knight in armour!

The breakfast had set us up for a day of walking and shopping for gifts- yay. Greece is again, the most reasonably priced country to shop in- on a par with NZ. We walked through all the old alleys and visited the merchants shops.

The temperature got up today, very sticky and requiring several stops for beers and more food as you can see lol~!

After about 3 hours of shopping we went back to our lovely cool room for a siesta as the locals do- dropped off for an hour or so then up to have a chat with one of the americans who are staying here- he was playing a guitar out in the courtyard, so we sat on our wide window sill a storey above him and listened while enjoying an ouzo and coke (ouzo is so cheap here- 5 euros for 5oomls and thats the flash brand!)

Then out for a wander again through the new town this time- I dont like it really as its all flash shops and doesnt seem right in such an old place- plus there are cars and streets in this part, rather than all pedestrian in the old city.

Had dinner at the same restaurant as last night as we couldnt find another one in the warren of streets! Then back to Nikos Taxis hotel for a nightcap.


Unknown said...

Gidday, am green with envy. I just love Greece, haven't been to lots of places but where I have been this rates my number one place so far...... Am so enjoying your daily 'top ups'.

Anonymous said...

Hi dee Hi ET's, Love the thought of those beers, just the thing when it's hot, AND it gives a excuse for a lie down at siesta time.
Looking at the minaret, I didn't think of the Rhodesians/Rhode Islanders/Rhode scholars or Greeks/ Creeks or whatever//// were islamic?
Tell us more:)

love Pa of Ma & Pa fame. LOL :-)

deliverygirlnz said...

Maree- Hiya!
Yes Greece is my absolute favorite too, some relaxed, safe feeling and of course affordable in the shops!! Since everyone speaks some english it makes it easy to get around.
Being next to the palace of the knights here, we here the bells toll on the hour all the time- very nice! How are you all there and Alan?

M & D Greece was part of the Ottoman empire and they were all Islamic. The first people here were colonists from Mioan Crete, it had all these era's- the classical, Hellenistic,Roman Eras, Turkish and Italian occupation, Knights of Rhodes, The Middle Ages.
Also thanks frot he correct spelling of minaret, you must have had a laugh at mine!!