Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Today we both woke after not such good sleeps- again we ate late last night- finished after 10pm then pretty much to bed, and both of us had weird vivid dreams. Dont think we are made to eat late then sleep!!

We decided to go to the ruins of the acropolis in Lindos today- about an hour away from Rhodes old town. We caught the bus which was interesting. We arrived and walked down to the tiny town of Lindos with the great castle and ruins towering above - very picturesque especially with the beautiful blue sky! The site has seen a few temples built on it- the 2nd one being in the 9th century B.C. This later burnt down (how do they burn stone Graeme asks?) and another was built in 342B.C.

There are only ruins and a few columns left now but it is still something to see plus the outer castle on the perimeter is still in really good nick. Also note in the photo of the rock that there is a viking style ship carved into the rock!

Because it was so hot we decided to get donkeys up the hill and it was 5 euros each well spent, cos it was steep! Looked around at the top for an hour two then wandered down to the town again to look through the warren of shops you of course have to go through to get out!!

Got back to the bus stop to find that the half hour buses stopped at 1pm- it was 3 mins past!?!%! So it was another hour and a half for the next bus. Nothing for it but to sit in the open air taverna and have an ice cold beer. The Greek laws have not yet passed the same law we all have regarding smoking and the greeks do it everywhere, but these open air places are much better to manage all the smoke!

Then argy-bargy with all the germans back on the bus and a pleasant trip back to Rhodes- even had a go at mimicking the rolling dog head like you used to see in the back of cars in the 70's!! Nice sizz though (how do you spell that?!)

We then had baths when we got back as you get so hot and sweaty in this climate and then wandered to the plaka and found a takeway gyros joint- meat with pita bread, chips and greek yoghurt, to take back to the hotel for a quiet dinner tonight.

Our last day in Rhodes tomorrow before flying to Madrid for a night en-route to Morocco!

Hey Sam- there are cats everywhere here and saw a Paris look-alike sitting on a scooter so put in a pic for you (except this one meowed in Greek lmao!)


sammy said...

looks like you had a awesome day, i would like to see all the ruins n stuff, it really intrigues me, will get there 1 day!! looks like its beautiful weather there to- lucky you, mum you better not come back brown!! (i know dad will even if its raining haha) n i like ur dress is it new?? think its got my name on it when u get home lol. Funny that there is cats like paris!! maybe her ancestors come from there haha
Sam xx

deliverygirlnz said...

Hi Sammy
Yeah it is a cool place and the blue blue sky makes it look more idyllic.

I am getting browner (cant you tell haha) and yes Dad will end up so brown he will look dirty!

The dress Im wearing is from Just Jeans in NZ! I bought it at the end of last season - $60 I think. It is nice to wear cos it is so heavy . it makes it hang nicely but its a bit booby at times!!

I always get my stuff from JJ end-ish of season, when they are so much cheaper.

The cat- looked more like Paris than in the pic actually. There are skinny but healthy cats everywhere here

michellemgregory said...

OMG am so jealous!!! It looks so gorgeous - warm and interesting! Love the picture of Graham making an "ass" of himself. m x

Ma and Pa said...

The Germans followed you to Rhodes??! what a cheek - hope Gray used his elbows on the bus?