Saturday, October 03, 2009


Ok, its happened again or "the Chief" as they all call him now, was pulled up on stage AGAIN for a wee bit of irish dancing at the banquet evening! It made you laugh until your lips stuck to your teeth!

Gill the Irish in him came out well again (thank ye God for the jugs of red wine he said!)

He even made the host pronounmce "Ngaruawahia"- the host who as uncanninly like Rene out of the programme "'Ello "Ello!!

Very funny and Graeme is now world famous on the trafalgar bus?!! Then he led them all in a few favourite irish songs, ending with the Fred Dagg song "If it werent for your gumboots where would you be"! Oh dear................


Ma and Pa said...

There is no doubt, Graeme has missed his calling, he should be in the theatre instead of driving a power station.

Having said that, what will this all do for his raping and pillaging Viking image?? you need to think about this Gray, as you caper around with flaxen-haired Irish colleens...and sing songs about gumboots and Ngaruawahia.

deliverygirlnz said...

Well, he reckons he has now juat added Irish to his blood!! We hear that the vikings actually set up towns and cities like Dublin and arent badly thought of which is a new twist on viking heritage!!

Did you see that the top photo on the blog is a video you can play??