Monday, October 05, 2009


We were able to sleep in till 7.15am today which was great. The Killarney Avenue hotel is by far the best so far, it has tonnes of olde worlde charm and is so central plus they go all out with those little touches for you.

We went for our pony and trap ride at 9am through the national park with "Robert" the horse pulling us- poor bugger as there are 8 people on board and he had steam coming off him by the time we got back. But it was a lovely ride with some spectacular views of lakes, castles and swans everywhere.

Then back to the hotel and off at 10am to Blarney Castle just ouf of Cork, where we met us with Karl and Grace. We have been internet friends for 12 years but this was the first time we had met. Found them no worries and had a really great couple of hours with them looking around the castle and grounds. Of course had to climb to the top- kiss the blarney stone and get the picture, so we are now full of the gift of the gab!

Had a fab time catching up and listening to their true blue Irish accents although I think Karl you must have been throwing in some gaelic here and there, just to trick me!!!! We all had lunch together then said our goodbyes, Karl armed with a "Kia Ora Bro" t-shirt and us with a wooden carving Karl had made himself. Such a neat couple and we look forward to a bit more laughter when we get back to Ireland another time.

On to Waterford where we looked round their showroom, although the company has bascially gone bust and there is a recovery package in place, with the production now moving to the Czech replublic which is a pity. Very elaborate pieces which made you scared to sneeze hard!

We are now in our hotel for the night in Waterford then a very early start tomorrow as we have a ferry crossing first thing back to Wales.


Ma and Pa said...

Only the Irish would design such an incredibly awkward icon like the Blarney Stone - and put it on the top storey! I see the same man is still there holding everyone as they feel they must kiss an incredibly unhygenic piece of stone. Our Health & Safety people would have a field day with it!

Anonymous said...

haha i agree with nanna and poppa!! imagine how many people would have slobbered on that stone!! something you would def have to o though if given the chance!! gives you good luck right?? and a cold maybe haha. sounds like your having very fun filled days!! that poor horse! looked huge though?!
Sammy xx

Anonymous said...

That sounds nice what Karl gave you guys but where would you get that kind of shirt there? lol

Love Danni

p.s. I had a great b'day thank-you so much for organizing it and having the money there.


deliverygirlnz said...

Yes the stone is looking like there is silicone all over it?? I actually couldnt see it at first and tried to kiss that wall higher up lmao- trust me!

I didnt actually kiss it, just the air beside it but Dad did and said he spat on it for good luck too euuu!!!!!

Its meant to give you the gift of the gab Sam so you can talk yourself out of trouble- Grace Karls wife said he didnt kiss it, he bit off a piece lol!!!!

Dan We had found that t-shirt back in NZ and took it over with us for Karl. I have him talking on video too but cant get it to load on here at the moment. He tells you have to say "Wheres the toilet" in gaelic (irish)!!

celticsoldier said...

hiyas greame and denise great to have met you both yesterday in blarney good craic eh you are proberbly on the ferry now to wales as i type this its about 4 30 pm here thanks be to feck the video of me wont load lol cath bhfuil on letheraes pronounced caw will on letter is meaning wheres the toilit lol grace said i shouldve been ashamed of myself being rusty in the old lingo as i said let the lot of you come over the whole sebang parents cousins the lot ye all seem a good happy go lucky bunch none the less enjoyed your company even though it was short lived may the luck of the irish travel with you both and hope the rest of your holiday will be great
slainte:karl :)

celticsoldier said...

oh btw ah happy birthday to danni hope the video of me wont scare her lol

deliverygirlnz said...

Mum and Dad-
I notice that the man at the blarney stone is smiling down at all the girls in the professional photos- holding on gently, but not with the guys haha!!

Sammy- yeah there are probably heaps of bugs on it- hence why I didnt kiss it, Dad did though!

Danni- it was our pleasure to arrange your birthday day for you- just sorry the weather always seems to be against you at the moment for rainbows end and horse riding~

Karl and Grace- RIght we will be over there with ALL the family to stay with you soon them ey?? We would be happy to bring aunties uncles, friends and parents, kids etc- thanks for the offer

HAHA I am joking Grace- dont you worry!! You guys are great. Was s good to meet you both - AND so good looking you both are too!!!

Knapgoes said...

Oh I don't get the whole Blarney Stone thingy why you have to hang upside down ...hmmm best I google it.... maybe its all some weird Irish joke

deliverygirlnz said...

Cath- hmmmmm
now you have me thinking- not sure why you have to hang upside down?? Maybe its so the guy can hold on tight to all the girls.
Mum said its the same guy as when they did it years ago!!