Tuesday, October 13, 2009


We arrived in the port of Malaga at 10.30am today to beautiful, perfect, crystal blue sunny skies. 22C, but didn’t get too hot later in the day either as we are past their summer height in August. Caught the shuttle to the historical centre no worries and walked to the Alcazaba castle which had a fortress as well- but bummer- it is closed on Sundays we are told! Saved us climbing up a ruddy great mountain to get to it though I guess.

We wandered through the city- there are so many little alleyways, narrow and cool with tiny shops in them. Malaga also has many ancient looking cathedrals and buildings with old iron hinged doors. Then we came across the central part with all the shops, many were closed today but it was lovely to walk through and there has been a lot of thought put in to the planting of huge palm trees everywhere, so you can always be shaded if you want. A very clean city, although there is a strong smell of horse pee everywhere in the streets as they have lots of horses and carriages for the tourists- these horses are well cared for and some even had their hooves oiled Danni! Just as well you aren’t here actually I just thought, it would have cost us an absolute fortune having the rides all over Europe!!!
Note we found another 'patriotic' letter box today, this time yellow for Spain!

We wandered around for about 3 hours then had a local beer (half the price of on board beers) before heading back to port and the bus to the ship. Came back on and had some lunch- again fantastic array of food and you have to use some decent will power not to over indulge all the time!

Then out to lay around the pool in the most perfect weather- no wonder people move to Spain. A quiet evening I think, although there is an ABBA game tonight in the bar we might have a look at. Depends on the language it is run as to if you can understand it, or they go through 5 languages for everything they say!


Anonymous said...

Gill C
All looks wonderful - lucky you two in all that lovely sunshine - we have just about forgotten what it is lately. Sounds like your tour went well and now it's time to relax in a lovely atmosphere. I'm jealous!!!
Catch you later.

Danni said...

wow did you get any horse pics???

lol that was also a funny pic of the letter box

Ma and Pa said...

How was the language situation in Malaga? (no, I don't mean do people swear a lot there!)- seeing it is so tourist-y, I thought there might be some English spoken for Americans, Aussies etc as well as the much-disliked English folk. NZ would hardly feature as not many people know it exists outside the Pacific - unless you say "All Blacks" - even that has dimmed due to their lack of form in recent World Cups. HOWEVER! our Silver Ferns have just won the inaugural world something-or-other in Manchester - go you good girls!

PS had to laugh re Danni saying a) about horse pics, and b)noticing the letterbox. Much more interesting than all the jolly old history stuff!

celticsoldier said...

hey denise greame
there is a nice medievel village up in the mountains called rondha not to far from malaga well up the coast abit well worth a looksee dunno if im to late in telling you this but hopefully not
slainte karl