Monday, October 19, 2009


Well we are here in Rhodes Greece!! Hvae pretty much spent all day 9am-6pm getting here but no stresses at all really. Gray decided we would get a taxi to the airport this morning in Barcelona as the metro looked a bit tricky with suitcases/xray machines and with all the warnings about pickpockets, he preferred the ease of a taxi (just dont think about what it costs in terms of NZD! Yes I know, dont convert!)

So taxied to Barcelona airport then found we were meant to be miles away at another terminal for Aegean air, so got the shuttle bus over to it. Met a very nice guy Frank from Walkworth sitting right across from us! Poor guy was flying home and the airline had lost his bag on his first flight and the long leg to Singapore was due to fly out in 50 mins by the time he got it back. Saw the plane go later, hope he got on and there were no big queues tohold him up- poor guy.

We had quite a big queue as there were only 2 check in desks open, but with Graeme far more relaxed (for him in an airport!) it was fine. Flight was 2 3/4 hours to Athens, very hot inside the plane like on Korean air, but that was the only gripe, other than the flight seemed interminally long to both of us for some reason??!!
Landed in Athens airport- they have these "camel" stations (as in the ciggies) where people could stand - inside, and smoke!! We had to go and check back in as even though our bags were checked on to Rhodes, we couldnt be for some reason? No worries though and had an 1 3/4 hours, so no rush.

Next flight was only an hour and we were in a pencil aircraft with the wings on top. Coming in to land was sh*t your pants material (sorry Danni!) as we were buffeted around by strong winds sideways in a rolling motion- even Gray started to worry for a bit. But when we got out on the tarmac we felt the wind and the skies were black with lightening flashes- so no wonder we were chucked around like a rag doll!
Got a taxi with a really decent (but shady looking!) greek guy who charged us less than we were told it would be and carried a 22kg suitcases up the stairs on his shoulder! He also had a dvd screen on each side of the seats for you to watch- very courteous man :-)He took us to another of my internet picks for hotels- I am SO outdoing myself at the moment!! This boutique is small and right next to the grand masters palace in the old town of Rodos. We wanted old and authentic this time rather than modern as it seemed to fit our memory of this town.
The vosporos suite is groovy and the staff are extremely friendly- it is so so good to be back here in Rhodes again, being small and safe feeling after the huge cities it is great.

The hotel only has about 7 rooms/suites I think and there are americans and dutch here at them mo. An amercian guest stopped us on the way back from the reception desk and asked us if we were kiwi's cos she hadnt heard the terms "no worries" and we had "heaps of fun" since she visitied there. She raved about NZers and how friendly and casual we are, and said she has never met any nation in the world with people as friendly (she hasnt been to south Auckland at night then hey??!!)

Then we walked down the street of the grand masters- blows you away how old it is and down to the plaka for a meal of delicious shrimp cooked in rice, white wine, herbs and creme fraiche- Y.U.M.M.Y and so cheap for a change! Heaven! There are cats everywhere begging for scraps- they look healthy but Graeme told me off for feeding one!
Only pain is people smoke everywhere and one grotty older english sat and smoked a massive stinky cigar right next to everyone eating- his wifes cigarette was nothing. It riles Gray up as even as smokers we would never smoke while others were dining- he was going to back up to their table and break wind loudly and then when they complained at him, he was going to say "well you shouldnt smoke while people eat" hmmm...... be calm I say!

Wandered through the old town city streets and the massive outer wall back to our hotel- hitting the shops tomorrow!!!
Have also discovered they have free wi-fi here which makes me SO happy as I can contact my beloved family and friends, then I dont get homesick! This is truly the secret to managing it Mum, I have found.
See the pic of the pipe thingee in our room that you can smoke flavoured tobacco with- not sure if it is used though?!


Anonymous said...

Hi there travellers
Just a thought, tell Graeme not to back up and let rip, as might be one hell of a bang from his methene gas. That's being as I remember his f**ts.
Love Gill C

deliverygirlnz said...

Oh behave!! He reckons it would have singed their eyebrows more!!

Is Barry saying "Gill go online and read what Graeme and Denise are doing"??!!! That with a nice cup of tea to put you in the mood for the daily episode!!