Wednesday, October 07, 2009


On the road at 8am to Bath this morning, it was funny to see it in the wet as it gave a completely different slant than when we visited there in 2007 with Matt and Michelle on a sunny hot day!

Went through the old baths- very interesting to go through, the water there is contaminated so cant touch it tho- there are swimming baths down the road.

Then on to Glastonbury to see the amazing ruins of the abby there where King Arthur is meant to be buried. It is in good nick for a ruin and it was really interesting to walk through. The abbotts kitchen had sun light pouring in through the lead light windows and the staff in traditional dress gave it a very authentic feeling.

We walked around the streets after and boy are there some freaky alternative lifestylers living there- see the girls in pink in the photo today- and they were the mild ones. Bet they all smoke a bit of hooch at the Glastonebury festival when its on!
Then we drove to somewhere?? for a stop to have devonshire teas and scones with cream and jam- was yummy! Back on the bus and its pouring again!
Into Plymouth the naval port to our hotel and its a 2 night stay which is great. We had a yucky interconnecting room right in front of all the lifts so decided this time to go and ask to be moved if a room was free- the staff were lovely and moved us from the 3rd to the top- 8th floor and on a hallway of our own, facing the port this time- great. So well looked after- especially when you are on your honeymoon after 23 years!!!!

We arent doing the optinal dinner tonight as need to catch up with things at home and will have a quiet night.
Hey Mum- l0ok at my cap today, I wore it in your honour- Gray laughed so I smacked him!


Unknown said...

-Morning - Have been showing your photos to my pommie work mate and all she can say is I've been there. She is enjoying your tour as we all are. Tamati is just behind you too, he is over there at the moment doing Breakfast. He's back in London now with Gok so won't be catching up with you anytime!!!!

News, Tito Phillip Field has been jailed for 6 years. Snow closing roads in the central North Island. Hundreds of cars stranded on the Napier/Taupo road with blizzard conditions. Not too good for the poor old farmers and their new born also loss of power so many farmers unable to milk for days. Poor old girls must be bursting!!!

Still a lot of Samoa's tsunami in the news, just awful really, but lots of aid starting to happen. Need nurses Denise shame you are so far away!!!

NZ lost to Australia in the final limited overs series in South Africa, Storm beat the Eels in the NRL Final. Serina Williams No.1 again.

Alan home after night shift Graeme, look what you are missing out on.

Home Show last weekend, we had visitors who had been there and they were wading around with water up to their ankles, no fun really.

Had a coffee at Accidental Cafe the other day and there was this young girl there who looked very familiar to me, our eyes locked!!! and I said 'I know you' she said 'why yes you do'. It was Emma, I had to ask her real name coz I had been introduced to her as 't@#!%ts' ......

And thats about it from me but I do agree with your family about the Blarney Stone, splutter splutter, yuk, I am pleased you didn't kiss it Denise.

Imagine all the old men with decaying teeth who have kissed it before you!!!!

See ya


Knapgoes said...

HI guys back from what was supposed to be a fabulus Spring trip up the Cortomandel...hmmmm ended up being so freakin cold. There was snowe on Mount Te Aroha and Mt Pirongia so thats how cold it is here. So unseasonal... we should ahve gone back to teh ski fields instead! Oh well there may be Xmas skiing this year so may have to do that! Trip still sounds awesome love to see a photo of the "Sisterhood of the travelling frock" needs its own blog page!

Knapgoes said...

Sooooo sorry forgot about the spell check thingy again!!!! urgh when I look back I am mortified... fingers type too fast for the brain!
I am not bad at spelling!!!!!
I am not bad at spelling!
I am not bad at spelling!

Ma and Pa said...

That looks suspiciously like a Bowls NZ cap?? I remember giving it to Graeme and INSISTING he put it with his cap collection to get back at him re all the bad bowling jokes etc! I may have to send the photo to Bowls NZ for their next magazine issue..... hmmmmm