Thursday, October 08, 2009


Had a really decent sleep last night which was great and went to sleep with the sounds of the church bells ringing over and over in the dark- was very nice.

Up early and down to the harbour for a cruise round Plymouth harbour, including past the naval base. Really interesting and the threatening rain held off so we could go up top in the open air even though it was freezing cold!

Then we drove towards Penzance and through the Cornish countryside to St Ives. Unfortunately it teemed down the rest of the day and we all spent a very soggy couple of hours there, but can imagine that in the sun it would be a lovely little place to visit.
We all had Cornish pasties, cos it would have been rude not too! They are full of onions and a bit of minced beef, quite nice on a wet cold day, washed down with a beer.

Then back to the bus and a few hours back to Plymouth, everyone with very wet shoes and damp pants, so we steamed the windows up a bit !

We have our farewell dinner tonight and the 6 of us started the hat thing so tonight will be the official “Tour Hat Photo” – anyone with a hat, serious or otherwise is invited to be in it- the tour director thought it was a great idea!!

Tomorrow is our final day of the tour we have renamed the “Cacophony of Coughers” people have hacked and sneezed pretty much non stop the whole 16 days, meaning many then got the bugs halfway through and around it went again. Not that nice to be in to be honest as we are all in such close proximity and everyone is pretty tired as you are out for 8 or 9 hours each day. But we have seen and done heaps even though we have only had a couple of nice sunny days.

Back to London after Stonehenge tomorrow, finishing about 5pm I think, then a night in London before we go out for a night at Gatwick. After that its onto a plane for Genoa, Italy to pick up our cruise.

Not quite sure when we can get online again, but will post as soon as poss- bon voyage!

PS/ Mum you were right it was the bowls NZ cap I was wearing yesterday!. I will wear it somewhere significant and make sure you can read it properly, then you can put it in your newsletter as putting NZ bowls out there over here!!!!!

Also, that is so funny Danni played on the same dancing game for her birthday as Graeme is, in the ferry pics ! It was hilarious and a bit raucous. I bet Danni was a bit tamer than her Dad was hahaha!!


Ma and Pa said...

Its a pity you had wet weather (as well as The Cacophony!) Cornwall etc is very pretty, but then can be very miserable in the soupy rain. That goes for most of the UK, and NZ ain't far behind sometimes! Dins, you have ancestors from several branches of the family tree in the area you have just covered - dare I mention Puckeys??! Also Walker forebears too. Can't get away from it, can you!

Anonymous said...

While i was reading your blog I sudderny thought that we are still pretty much there when you are bye the water beacause the ocean is one big place connected to every-where!

Oh hay mum were you wearing those sandle shoes the ones that we both have, if you were then did they froth up again like last time!lol

Love Danni

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have had a fabulous time despite the weather.Sounds as wet as it has been here but we have had snow .Amazing for Oct.Enjoy your cruise I will think of you while I slave away at Mothercraft where we have had the week from hell!!Hve just come back from holiday feel like I need another already ,will just have to dream while I read your blog.

deliverygirlnz said...

M & D- ahh think we will leave the Puckey finding to you guys when you come back haha~

Danni- that is a very profound thought that we are all one big ocean!
Re the shoes- no they didnt froth up like at Ana Capri but my feet were VERY wet haha! (but no dye staining my feet weither thank goodness!!)

Sharon- I think I should have a drink in your honour since you are having a rough time!!
Had some hard work Mums???