Tuesday, October 13, 2009


We woke to lots of noisy waves and judderbar like vibrations at 3am today. Got up to look outside and it was pretty impressive!! Took video footage as the noise of the sea and wind was so loud. Back to sleep about 4am and because we had amazing blackout curtains we didn’t wake till 8.30am!!

We decided not to have breakfast since it was so late and we hadn’t finished dinner last night until 10.30pm! We both found it horrible to eat that late and then go straight to bed, but as yet haven’t heard anything about being changed back to the earlier sitting. We had a nice couple to sit with tho last night, plus an older couple from Switzerland. Luckily one of the men spoke both French for the Swiss couple and English for us- so we could have a 3 way conversation! He is married to an Italian woman so lives in San Marino, but is originally from Morocco, so had a really interesting discussion.

Later this morning I was sitting on our balcony looking at the sea and had my Polaroid sun glasses on, when I saw what I thought was a large tuna jump out of the water, but then realized it was one of those gray and white small dolphins that bow jump in front of ships!! Was so cool and I could see it under the water for a bit before it was gone- lucky!

Went up and walked many stairs again today= great exercise! There was some sort of ompah lompah german singing sensations by the pools and all the germans (huge contingency of them in a group on board) were clapping out of time and waving banners lol!! We haven’t met any English speakers as yet, heard one or two in passing but you cant run up and accost them just because you are craving an English conversation!! Altho if I heard an Aussie or Kiwi accent, I think I would.

Unlike our duty free ships, everything you buy here is very expensive, internet 20 euros an hour, excursions - usually at least 50 euros pp, drinks- a coffee is 5.70 euros and a massage is 99 euros for 45 mins!.
You also have to pay for water and beers- Heineken are 4 euros each! The man at dinner last night said the cruise lines milk you for all they can!! He said the excursions especially are a real rip off. We looked into our Malaga stop tomorrow as Gray prefers to just wander and discover on our own, so we googled Malaga on Wikipedia and saved it off line to read -clever. We asked at reception and they said you can get shuttles to town for a one off cost of 5 euros pp, so we will do that.

Then up to lie in the sun – 26 lovely degrees and sunny but with a 17 knot wind! They have warnings about sunburn but they havent lived in NZ! All the Europeans are SO brown that we look SO white L. But I also like the way the women all wear bikinis, no matter what their age or size and the guys wear a lot of budgie smugglers (not always so nice!)- but at least they are all very comfortable about themselves.

Went on to chase up the earlier dinner seating and finally won out after being told there were No tables to give- there turned out to be several- hard to fathom their ethics on honesty, however all sorted now and we have a romantic table for 2 from now on. It was formal night tonight so played dress ups!

SO good to eat at a normal time, especially when you are trying to fit in 6 courses ( sorry had to drop that in!). Their dining is incredible, like much of the ship in general. There language thing is a bit of an issue but we discussed it and your only other option is to cruise on the princess lines which are full of Americans- just don’t think we could handle it! The Italians are loud, but in a different way.
After dinner we went to the theatre and watched a circ-de-soliel type act, blows your mind what they can do acrobatically.


Anonymous said...

wow that ship looks so flash me annna and hannah were all amazed by how flash it look.

also you couldtype the blog on word then copy and paste it onto the blog less internet time??

Love Danni

Ma and Pa said...

My God! those photos are taken on board? talk about luxury cruising! we're selling the house today and will live on a cruise ship instead! It'll cost a fortune in Sealegs but will be worth it! Nah -on second thoughts I'd have a punch up (verbal, of course) with those pushy loud off-hand Europeans.