Thursday, October 22, 2009


Woke to the heralding of barking dogs at 4am this morning and unfortunately the yappy one in the street outside set all the neighbourhood dogs off for about 2 hours-wish we had had a rifle cos the loudest one would have had its cute fluffy head shot off!!

Never mind, had as usual a fantastic homemade breakfast of anything you want in the lovely courtyard. They serve you fresh squeezed orange juice, pastries with tomato or cheese or apple and walnut cake- all made the night before in the hotel kitchen. Then onto omelets or crepes with ham, cheese, or chocolate, whatever you want. SO nice! Sets you up for the day then you dont need lunch.

This morning there were 4 cruise ships in so lots of people which is good for the shop keepers who find it hard at the end of the season. There was also some sort of fashion shoot on, so apparently they closed off some of the streets in the old town. I saw one girl who looked like a leopard print clad hooker, who turned out to be one of the models! Shows you what I know!

Right outside our hotel is the palace of the Knights which is very famous, and the castle wall and stronghold go right around the old city- which we walked today in about 45 mins. Its amazing the work that must have gone into creating such a castle and keep, the moat is dry but then there is another outer castle wall.

Later in the afternoon we went back to the castle for the tour throughout its interior and they also had an exhibition on of ancient artefacts- note the lead coffin I managed to snap- small!

A quiet night and tidying up tonight then we are up at 4.30am for our flight to Athens, then another to Madrid for the night.

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