Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 34-Crete, To the back blocks off the beaten track

We had a great dinner out last night, sitting down at the waterfront as the sun set- nice. Graeme had the cheese (feta )pies that Nathan suggested. Man they are strong, Graeme loved them but I had to wash it down with beer haha! Such a chore……Had a wander around Agia Pelgia then drove back home- the peugot is much better but being manual, the revving is rather loud on the steep hills we have to drive up at a slow pace as the corners are really tight!
Pepys where we stay are the white buildings way up the top of the hills

Crashed out (to sleep that is!) but we were woken at 3.45am by someone on an 027 phone ringing us- didn’t know the number and didn’t answer as it took our hearts about 5 mins to slow down! Will be turning it off from now on and Mum I will send you the phone numbers of where we are here and in London in case you need to get hold of us through the hotels.

Got up this morning and headed off for a Cretan adventure, driving up in the hills on roads with no markings that were rather narrow in places!

We stopped at a little town called Archanes and found a shop selling meat- something which is hard to find in supermarkets. They had a skinned whole animal at the end in the fridge and Im looking at it trying to work out what it is/was- then a see the feet still have their long white hair on them- rabbit…. eeuuu makes it look gory!

The Greeks use the mountainous terrain to grow grapes and olives as far as you can see- pretty impressive.

We came across a cemetery and stopped to have a look. The majority of people (men) were born in the 1930’s and almost every one had a photo on the grave. We drove past what looked like a letterbox on the side of the road- it had a glass front and a candle burning next to a bottle of beer. Am thinking it is in memory of someone who just passed away?

The GPS is back alive but still somewhat confused here in Crete…. You know how those Japanese tourists drove into the sea because their GPS told them too? Well this is where ours told us to go when trying to get out of the small lanes and back onto the motorway! It literally turned into a gravel dead end track lol.

Needless to say we did a u-turn and I told Graeme to ignore it and follow his own gut direction- he got us out on the motorway !
Power Station

We got home and made some lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon down by the pool- was really breezy today although still 25C, was too cold to swim. Graeme made us dinner- he is a 1 pot wonder here!

Went out for a walk around in the early evening- there are these massive ants here- definitely would not like to lay down in a sleeping bag with those around- they are about 10 times the size of NZ ants!


kiwitonies said...

Do you think the GPS is feeling homesick for good old Maori road names??

It could be a little ant-sy!!

No ouzo mentioned today?

deliverygirlnz said...

We were good- only had 2 of those tonight! Becoming immune I think

deliverygirlnz said...

Immune to the effects of ouzo that is- not the ants! The GPS cant pronounce maori names let greek ones!

Danni said...

wow those ants remind me of when I was over there with you... ahhh the memories