Monday, May 07, 2012

Day 23- Birkweiler-Karlsruhe - Baden Baden

Woke in the night feeling rather below par but back to sleep after a bit- the german pillows here are also really big but filled with not a lot of feathers, so we all found them really flat to sleep on, Graeme used kiwi ingenuity to make it better- 2 blankets inside the pillow case with the pillow!

We all met for breakfast and had cereal, fruit and there are the buns, meat and cheese -they don’t have toast for brekky here. We set off to Karlsruhe, a town which seemed rather deserted but I quite liked it- has trams running up and down the main drag. Had a walk round but it kept drizzling so we drove on to Baden-Baden (pronounced Bar-den).

On the autobahn it had started teeming down with rain at one time and was hard to see, then came across an accident where we think a car spun out and hit the barrier. Everyone here puts on their hazard lights and keep driving slowly, so people coming up behind know everyones slowed down.

Baden Baden is a historic beautiful town- very authentic and upmarket at the same time.
Had a lovely wander round as the weather had fined up by this time, then wandered over to the park and we had a kiwi giggle as they leave the grass un-mowed here- kiwi men could not leave it like that at home and would be mowing perfect lines!
A collaborative Spaz shot of the day!

We decided to go home off the autobahn to see a bit more (including a massive solar farm) and found ourselves able to cross the border into France with no fanfare at all, then stop at a French bakery in a little village for coffee and bread. Oddly though the road signs were still in german here! We decided they are all so close that maybe they are all related lol.

Drove on and crossed the border back into Germany- not something you get to do everyday!
These crosses were all along the side of the road in the country.

Then back home to the village we are staying in. We walked back down to the winery from yesterday for a drink and dinner outside then went for a big wander all around the village which is in the valley, with a huge vineyard all the way around it above.

Went back and sat and talked until sunset outside in the courtyard. They have a wedding on here tonight- we saw about a dozen beautifully iced cakes being brought in last night for it. Anna said that when guests go to weddings, the man wears a tie in the same colour as his partner- great way to work out who is with who! They also have all these artistic little gifts they make and attach money to them for the bride and groom.

1 comment:

kiwitonies said...

Sounds like you are getting a lot of German culture - always interesting to learn about other places and races.

The spaz shot has a distinctive "Danni" look to it!

Hope you are feeling better soon - the cold damp waether you are exepreinecing probably doesn't help, and then being in an enclosed metal cylinder with a person sneezing behind you ----