Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Day 33– 28th May. Rome- The Vatican, Sistine Chapel, St. Peters Basilica, Catacombs, The Pantheon.

Day 33 – 28th May. Rome- The Vatican, Sistine Chapel, St. Peters Basilica, Catacombs, The Pantheon.

Phew !big day yesterday and another today. Last night we went out for the welcome dinner then on to an optional for the illumination tour of Rome. Have to say it was a bit of a disappointment as it was rushed in some places like the Spanish steps and the Trevi fountain, although in the short 15 mins at the steps, I was accosted a dozen times by hustlers selling roses (try to shove them in your hand), neon flying things, flashing earrings and other assorted junk. They are so persistent.

It was quite funny really, Danni got into the swing of it and when they would try yet again she would come out with this loud “NO” at them, which sent them packing as don’t think they expected it from a 10 yr old!! They nearly got some of the Italian language I had been taught in cases of extreme irritation!!

There were many, many people in theses 2 places and lots of pickpockets – often young pretty girls in their 20’s, trying to lift wallets etc – cant say we really enjoyed it there at night in that environment but was good to say you have done it. Then onto a driving tour and got back to the hotel at 11.30pm after the TD told us it would be 9.45pm!

Wake up call at 6am today, which we expected but others hadn’t. We thought that it was pretty good considering we were going to the Vatican and I know others have had wake up calls at 4.45am on their tours to get there early!

Had breakfast all together, this is quite a quiet group compared to the very outgoing group on the France tour – but still early days yet, got to get to know people.

Unfortunately, the Tour Director was the same today with time, really lax and the schedule went completely out the door pretty quickly. Late to leave, late to arrive at the Vatican and into a loooooooooonngg line but we were lucky as we did get in after an hour or so, another 50 metres back and the TD said they dont – even though they had reservations as tour groups.

The Vatican is somewhere that is so immense and opulent in its paintings that its hard to explain. The roof in the great hall is unbelievable and the statues were pretty impressive too. Had to smile as I am reading Dan Browns ‘Angels and Demons’I think (or was that the kiwi tour director yesterday who told us??!)about how one of the Popes at the Vatican in the past had feared the male statues genitals might insight lustful thoughts, so had them all hacked off – and guess what – its true!!! They don’t say anything about it when you are there, but sure enough they were all eunuchs!?!@#@.
Someone wondered if somewhere in the Vatican is a room full of discarded penises!!

We also saw the glass coffin of the pope who died 44 years ago – believe me he looked like he should be buried again- have included a pic!!

The group went on to the Coliseum, but as we had been there yesterday, we three went off for lunch in a restaurant. It was funny, it was semi quiet there, then the skies opened and it poured and the wind howled in a sudden storm – the place was instantly filled!!! We had a great meal of pizza, bread and strawberries and they were very nice – until they decided we had had long enough and paid the bill- then they got very rude and asked us to leave before we had even finished our drinks!!! Told them we would go when we were done, so the waiter whacked all the glasses together loudly and took them all away?! Rude little Italian! We stood to go and the tablecloth was off and table re-set before we reached the door, so he got a little Kiwi flea in his ear as we left.

Stood outside waiting for the 2.15pm pick up in the bus for the optional, and were set upon by ?Indian hustlers now selling umbrellas!!! Where do they keep all these wares ? Dig them up? It is funny – they have wares for every weather type. Bargained them down from €5 each to 3 for €10!
Stood and waited and waited for the bus- didn’t turn up till ¼ to 3pm, so we were wet and cold. This TD is really unreliable with time which is rare I have heard as they are usually very pedantic about being on time.

Once picked up we were taken to the catacombs, I was really looking forward to it as have read abit about them - 17kms of tunnels. Was disappointing though, we were taken into the catacombs, looked at the empty niches where the bodies used to be, walked around 3 corners and that was it ! Only about 20mins and no bodies which for some reason we thought we would see. But still interesting how the Romans buried their dead. Not enough cemeteries, so they dug into the rocks dating back to 600AD and put whole families into crypts on shelves in the walls.

After this we were taken on a walking tour to the Pantheon which is architecturally very different – there is a large circular hole in the roof of this basilica! Walked around various piazza’s then stopped for a gelato. Back on the bus- 2 hours late getting back and for those who are going on the optional for dinner, they only had 15 mins to get in, freshen up and be back out again – not good really. Graeme had a word with the TD about it, but not sure he will change his spots as has been doing this for awhile I think.
He tells us we have an amazing 13 hours on the bus with stops tomorrow – it is a new route this year from Rome to Venice. Trafalgar advertise though that the longest days are around 7-8 hours! A quiet night in with left over pizza for us!


Anonymous said...

GASP!!!! That would have to be one of the most beautiful sights ever. The Sistene Chapel paintings ...Do you think they gotr sore necks looking up all the time... imagine your arm muscles painting from that direction....

Hmmm tour guide needs a course on time management me thinks!!

Does the pizza taste so much nicer than here???


Sharon said...

TD obviously is not interested in his tip at the end of the tour!!Enjoy Venice it was one of my favourites.Listening to music under the stars.a ride in the gondola with one of our group who was an opera singer singing as we went around oh the memories.Nearly as good as doing it again.

deliverygirlnz said...

cath - the pizza is not good here- verythin hard chewy crust thats like cardboard-Graeme thought it was yuck - bring on hells pizza any time!

The roof in the vatican only took about 4 years to complete which is amazing when you see how many paintings are on it, but apparently there were a team of painters.

Hi Sharon- you are right, this TD isnt worried about money, it is more of a passtime for him and he doesnt come on with the hard word like the french TD did- saying they were paid äbsolutely crap"(said in a french accent!!)

The italy one gives alot more info but never stops talking either!

Anonymous said...

pick ur nose

deliverygirlnz said...

thanks Sam