Monday, May 21, 2007

Day 25 - 20th May, last day in my 30's !!

Day 25 – 20 th May

Woke up in our big wrought iron bed, to perfect blue sky. The smell here is overwhelmingly of honeysuckle as it is growing on the stone wall outside our apartment – fantastic.

We realized today that this is the first time in our lives together – 23 years, that we have been together every day for more than maybe 2 weeks?

We had found out last night that the supermarkets or “Coop’s “are all shut in a Sunday, but there is a camping ground a few km’s away that has a small store open, so we drove there for supplies. I wondered if this was a spot that Sue and Andrew had stopped and camped in, in Buccine ?(“Boo- chee-nay”)
The store was great and got the necessities until the coops are open tomorrow. My Italian language skills which are non existent, were ok actually, just have to encourage Gray a bit more as he is too shy at the moment – he just needs to “let go” he says!

We went for a short drive through a town called Levane (“Lee-varn-nay”) so Graeme could get his bearings. His internal map is pretty good- it is definitely a man thing as I have no such talent!!
Back to Lupinari and out to the huge pool area for a sunbathe and a swim. It was bliss and we spent several wonderful hours there just relaxing after yesterdays stress.

Had a siesta for the first time for a couple of hours, then got up and went for a walk down the road. We saw a man made lake with these weird animals that aren’t otters, but a name I cant remember (some Americans told us) they are like giant rats!!

Had a lovely dinner at the apartment of pasta and sliced ham- it is nice to be able to cook and have dinner alone together. Also to unpack and use a dresser is bliss!!!!

We are really relaxing!


Anonymous said...

not a pretty car. worse than a getz on the Gold Coast

Your blob diary is great, almost like being there. D of MDTTNP

deliverygirlnz said...

Blob diary Ma??? thats worse than Graces blob page!!
Yes the car is kinda ugly, but has heaps of grunt for a diesel. Maybe not as bad as your getz cos it doesnt screech when you put the brakes on!!
Glad you are enjoying the diary though! xoxox

Anonymous said...

That was Dad who called it a blob diary - on purpose I think as he has his wrong-word-name-whatever- reputation to keep up! Ciao