Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 30 -May 25th Last day in Tuscany

A sad note today as I hear from home that Flynn, a fantastic little guy I have helped to care for the past years in my work role, has passed away. A shock that he is gone and while I cant be there for the family,know that Sue my job share partner will be with them.

So a thought goes out to them today from Italy.

An hour after hearing this, we find that our credit card has been fraudulently used to the tune of $1500, even with all the security we use. These "moto" transactions are ones where the card is not physically present and are very sophisticated.
So the first Kiwi voice I have heard since leaving NZ was that of the banks credit card team!! Was nice to hear anyway...

Consequently there are issues to sort, but the money will be credited back once we get home and sign affidavits they tell me. Pain in the bum as now there are strict blocks on the card and we can only use Graemes card.

This can happen via merchants use/ tapping into merchants databases or at ATM's so you cant get away from it they said. Ours seem to come from Canada/USA and mostly say they are linked to purchases and phone calls/accounts? via telecom.

Glad we were planning on a quiet day today as needed to sort all this out and good to know things can be done.

Will spend the rest of this scorcher day by the pool I think, then pack up ready for our train trip from Arezzo to Rome tomorrow. We start out Best of Italy and Greece tour with a 3 day cruise at the end on Sunday.

Not sure when we will be able to post again as we will be back to buying Wi-Fi access cards where available, but will check for any emails or comments tonight before we go - so send me some!!!!!!.

Hope Hamilton is not too foggy and cold today, we are actually suffering in the heat if its makes NZ feel better!!!!



Unknown said...

Sorry to hear your sad news and bad new also about your money being stolen. They are just too smart for us all Denise.

Your trip looks deliciously exciting evertime I log on. Hope you love Greece as much as I did.

Yep I was gloating about good weather and the fog arrived. Beaut days still though.

Must dash.

Hope the rest of your journey is as exciting as what you have already had.

Love Maree and Alan.

Anonymous said...

What hope have we "good" folk have when there are bastards out there using technological means to steal from us and we have no way of stopping it? %$@##!*&//??<>&! Sorry about your little guy dying too - you obviously sensed something Dins.

On the postive side, you have just holidayed in arguably one of the lovelier places on earth, now you're on to more exciting adventures: enjoy!!

MDTTNP >>PS we have our $350 big atlas on the kitchen table & follow you as you travel. I can read the fine print on the maps but D/T/P peers at it all through a magnifying glass!! M of MDTTNP

deliverygirlnz said...

Thanks for that guys,

You cant do much about the credit card fraud, other than taking auge amount of cash with you from home and using that - owever, it would be unsafe to carry it too!!

I am so sad that Flynn has gone when I cant be there to support his parents and it just never occured to me that he might go while I was away. But I know there are many who will support them until I get home.

Glad you are all enjoying the travelogue- it is Saturday a.m. here now and we are off to Arezzo to drop the rental car, then onto the train to Rome - to see what adventures await us there!

deliverygirlnz said...

Think I am losing control of my h key somehow when I read my comment!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys
So sorry to hear about Flynn mate. Poor wee bugger. We need to believe that all these amazing kids are going to a better place free from all their suffering and misfortune aye? Keep yr chin up. And as for those bastards that have stolen yr money - well best not type what I really want to say just in case as this is a public blob spot!!

On a brighter note - you will be pleased to know I have entered the world of the dirty thirties without incident and had a bloody good celebration with family and friends - definately wasn't the same without you - but I will survive!! Even dreamed you guys did actually fly back - but alas it wasn't to be!!

Kate awesome, growing bigger everyday and our latest trick is blowing raspberries and we end up with spit from here to africa (just like her father in so many ways it's just scary!!) Gaz all good and me gr8 too. Got given a week at a timeshare resort at the Mount in June for my birthday from Mum and Greg - luxury!!! We have our own private spa on our deck!! (Ok it doesn't quite bet Tuscany but it might come a close second!!)

Will sign off now - as have managed to waffle on as usual!! Miss you guys - but so awesome to read all your travels and adventures. Big sloppy kisses to you all from Kate!

Du xxxxx

deliverygirlnz said...

Tanks Du Du
you always know what to say when I need it!! You write exactly like you are here with us too!

THought of you on your brithday old old girlie- pity I didnt think to post back that damn badge and cover the '4'and make it a '3'for 30!! Sould have thought of that.

Are thinking of you guys too and miss having you around.Wees