Thursday, May 24, 2007

Day 28 - 23rd May. Montevarchi

Day 28 – 23rd May

Woke around 7 am today, it is going to be a scorcher. We decided not to spend the day traveling around today, instead we drove to Montevarchi to the ipercoop (supermarket). This was the biggest one we have been to, we were able to buy me a new bikini and Danni a pair of togs in it!!

We have got used to the different ways – for example we had been pre-warned by Grace about the fruit and veges. You have to use a plastic glove when you pick them and you put them on the scales and choose the right number allocated to that particular item, then put the sticker on yourself before going to the check out. Tomatoes and strawberries are particularly cheap and tasty here.

Had also been looking around as Graeme’s hair has grown so fast he was soon to resemble a hedgehog! We spotted a hairdressers and asked the young guy in there if he “Parla Engliese?” No, shake of the head, but he could do his hair in 5 mins time he gestures.
Now- Graeme is very particular about where he gets his hair cut as he likes his flat top very square and not rounded like an egg, so he was feeling a little nervous about getting this across.

Anyhow, we go back in 5 mins and - as Gray realises the guy is putting a pretty purple cape on (that’s the gay colour he whispers to me) I notice that the hairdresser has glitter in his hair – eek!!! Wonder if his name was Gary? (Glitter)

We get across in sign language that he wants it shorter and square, then “Gary” starts work. I can feel Graemes nervousness, so I look away and pretend I’m reading a book. Next, Danni goes “Mum, he has just shaved off all the hair on the back of Dad’s head with a razor”. I turn around and go Nooooooo, to Graeme in mime- eek! Graemes eyes are about the size of saucers and he seem’s to have lost all his Italian, sign language or otherwise!!.

I go back over to them and say “cut square ok?” Ok he says but I’m not sure he understands. Oh Well Im thinking, at least if it is awful, he might get some glitter in it!!

It all turned out ok though as the guy, who is only probably 24 years old or so, then pulls out scissors and goes to town – without a spirit level Gray is used to, but he did a really good job although a little in the vein of ‘Edward Scissorhands’ and only took half the time it takes at home. It’s a little more rounded on the outside than usual but looks fine. Graeme gets his 2nd shampoo and wash!! Then we are done. €15 and we are back on the street -Phew!

After this funny event, we head back to the Villa, driving more comfortably on the right hand side of the road now, and have a lovely lunch in the sun of rolls, ham, cheese and tomatoes- mmm.

Down to the pool and we have it to ourselves today, it is scorching hot , around 40 C and the sun feels like its biting you, but then we hear all this thunder and one huge grey cloud appears. Then everything cooled nicely – not all hot and sticky like it would be at home.

Came back and had a Heineken – we now buy the big bottles – 600mls for €0.80c!
Then had a siesta as all good Italians do.

One thing I meant to mention is that there are red anzac poppies everywhere in France and Italy, growing wild on the sides of the roads- have included a pic of one growing against the stone wall outside our villa. They are very pretty but apparently turn black if you pick them.

There is also a pic of the pool and above it you can see a white sun umbrella- this is our apartment- the old grainery. We have the best spot as there is also a big lawn out in front of it, it is right at the end and the sun comes in,in the morning so it is cooler in the afternoon! is the hamlets website if you want to have a look. There is an interactive map were you can click on the photo and see where all the apartments are located. The bedroom they use on the frontpage picture is actually ours!


Anonymous said...

No photo of Graeme's haircut????

deliverygirlnz said...

I should have taken a photo in the hairdressers Mum, but Danni said the guy was starting to sweat while he was doing Grays hair, so I didnt want to stress him out!!

Photos from 24th have his new haircut- probably looks the same to everyone else anyway!