Monday, May 28, 2007

Day 32 - 27th May. Roma- Coliseum, Palatine Hill & the Forum

Day 32 – 27th May

We both tossed and turned during the night as we possibly had one of the hardest beds in europe!! They felt like tables, so late in the night I swapped a sleeping Danni into our bed as Graeme was fast asleep, and slept in her fold out.

Woke to a grey day but with promise of fining up. We decided to come to Rome a day early to see the Coliseum and Palantine Hill, as it wasn’t clear if that was included on the Trafalgar Itinerary. No-one at TT was sure if it was a “visit”or just a “view of the coliseum” on the tour, so we decided to go alone as it was something we really wanted time to see.

We walked from the hotel, only took about 20 mins and found it no problems due to Graemes amazing sense of navigation – you would think he was born in Rome (He made me type that)!!
There was of course a huge queue we could see, but were approached by a company offering guided tours, English speaking, with headsets and no queue. All for €6 more than if we waited in the 45min line. Even better they told us that Danni was free as she was from NZ and under 18yrs! Guess which choice we happily picked?! The tour was great, lead by an Italian god ‘Daniella’, who would have all the girls at home drooling. He gave a great tour and the headsets were so much better than the TT ones we had at the Eiffel tour.

We spent several hours happily wandering around – I think we were lucky there didn’t seem to be huge crowds even though it is a Sunday. Filled 3 sticks of memory with photos! Then went outside for a gelato – a rip off at €4 each! But in the heat it was a necessity!

Sat with the crowds outside the forum until the next tour they told us about, which was free. We were split into 2 groups and lo and behold this very Kiwi accent tells us he is our tour guide.
A young guy from Masterton who came here 3 years ago to study Anthropology, he was so funny and it was great to have that typical easy going, humour around us again (Makes you realize that eurpoeans on a whole seem to more serious by nature).

He took us on a great walking tour of Circus Maximus and Palatine Hill – boy was it getting hot?! We were all sweltering but the guide said the temp actually reaches about 47C in July. Not sure it was that hot today but nearer the 40’s probably.

It has been a great day today, to stand in front of the Coliseum was amazing and something I've always dreamed of.

After we had had a good look around we walked very slowly back to – yet again McD’s!! Their icy cokes are great!.

Back to the hotel and caught a taxi to the Mercure Corso Trieste where we are staying to start our next Trafalgar tour – Best of Italy and Greece and 3 day Aegean cruise.
We have learnt quickly to just suck it up and pay for taxi’s when we are transferring with heavy suitcases, its just so much easier and safer with the metro and buses being prime targets for pickpockets- some of whom we have heard are very aggressive.

Met our tour guide, reminds me of a English professor, sure he will be good?!
We are off to our welcome dinner and then think he is offering an optional of Rome illuminations, Trevi fountain and the Spanish steps – plus a Basilica. Think we will do this as we haven’t seen any of these yet.


Sharon said...

Roma oh the heat and the crowds!!!Sounds like you are all having a wonderful time.Very unfortunate about the credit card.I suppose it could have been worse however certainly bad enough.Enjoy the Trivi Fountain and make a wish.We had a fabulous dinner not far away from there with our tour group where the waiters sang as they served this huge dinner about 6 courses.At the end all the ladies were given a red rose so great memories.

Anonymous said...

HI Guys,

Wow love Rome it sounds fabbo. I think Tuscany was really up my alley especially the lying around the pool in the hot sun. The Colosium looks fascintaing and somewhere I would like to go in the future.CAnt wait to hear all about Greece and the food there.

We chopped down all the trees next to our house on the weekend. It has let in heaps of light so it should let our bank of natives really take off. We also trimmed our thorn hedge which wasn't much fun bit it looks nice and tidy. So while you were relaxing and enjoying life on the other side of the world Aaron had me out there in my gummmies doing hard labour!!!

New neighbours directly in front of us are very impressive at keeping their section immaculate....You will be impressed. They have planted the Peripheral with camelias, pulled down the fences enclosing the two corner gardens and are planting these up and constantly mow there lawn. All very impressive and tidy (I think he is Dianes brother). I may have mentioned all this but my brain is sluggish today!!!

Action at other building site has slowed again!!! Not sure whats happening there... just a big sand pad at the moment.

Weather is still amazingly warm (whats up with that!) which is disappointing as ski fields are supposed to open 16th June (3 weeks) and there to date has been no snow.

Anyway enjoy your next stage of the trip. Cath

Anonymous said...

Hi G, D and D.
Your pics are just GREAT. We are really enjoying them along with the commentary. Keep it up and enjoy.
Scott and Jan

Anonymous said...

Gray, I see the lovely Merc in the photo. How many RX7's or RX8's have you seen - not many I bet.
Scott N

deliverygirlnz said...

Scott- one RX 7 one RX 8 but heaps of mercs so they must be cheap as chips!!

deliverygirlnz said...

Thanks all for you comments
Sharon - sounds like Insight is much better in their details. See my comments re the Trevi fountain - ours was a 15 min wonder!!

Cath - keep it up but dont cut all the trees down! SOunds like those new people are really tidy -yay!! will keep the road esthetics up!
I can just imagine you over here making the best of it.

Scott and Jan- glad you are enjoying the blog, it will be worth the effort when we get back to or we just wouldnt remember it all!!

Cya all in a couple of days when we can get internet time