Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Had a really good sleep last night, we note that we sleep way longer on the cruise ships. Must be the motion of the sea when you’re lying down that lulls you back off to sleep!

You can get a small continental breakfast in your cabin if you want, so with our stomachs and not wanting to eat too much we did that and very nice it was too! We weren’t getting into the port at the capital of Tunis until 2.15pm, so tidied up then took it easy and rested our tummies! I had got “the notebook’ by Nicholas Sparks out of the ships library and polished it off in the one day- I remember it is one of Sams favourite movies, one of those sad romantic stories though.

Because of the country’s rules, you can only leave the ship under their umbrella visa on an excursion for the day, so we booked the historical and cultural tour. Apparently there were very strong winds, so docking was delayed, then delayed again and we got the word to go about an hour later. Unfortunately, this excursion turned into a fiasco as it made the tour to places like the museum- 10 mins long right before they closed at 5pm instead of an hour and the same at some ruins because we were running so late.
We were practically running, then the tour guides were told to keep us out for the full 4 hours, so he had to drop us in a tiny town right as the sun set, to walk around in the freezing wind in the dark for 1 ¾ hours. It was such a waste of time we should have just thrown our 50 euro each out the ship window and stayed on board

A Swedish tour director we were sitting behind on the bus said that MSC keep you out for the expected time no matter what so they don’t have to give a refund! In hindsight, after Morocco, Tunisia was a poor cousin.

Anyhow, we got back to the ship and raced to get changed as we were all late for dinner, but were so glad to see we have English speaking people at our table for 8. An Irish couple on their honeymoon, a Puerto Rican couple on their anniversary and a French/English speaking couple from Canada. Two of them have English as their 2nd language but it is more comfortable than last time where everyone bar 1 man spoke different languages to each other!

Had a small dinner, but room for dessert of course- tiramisu and crème brulee! Then had a wander round before bed.

1 comment:

Ma and Pa said...

Life is a ship on the beautiful Mediteranean.