Had a sleep in today until 7.15am because we were staying in Dublin for the day today- just as well as was up till midnight getting the blog etc on last night after the show!
We had a lovely Irish lady come and take us for a tour around the city which was great- very interesting but slow as all the taxi drivers were blocking part of the roads, protesting about something. The guide told us that the Danish Vikings founded Dublon and built the churches etc, so Graeme felt very superior as our group all call him the 'Chief"!!
Had a good look around the city then we were dropped to look at the book of kells which is something very old to do with someone writing the 4 gospels??!! Anyhow we (6) went round the shops then over to the famous guiness factory as we had pre booked tickets to get in.
Really interesting and over 5 floors. It was very well laid out and showed you all the process and equipment. Then up to the top floor to the 360 degree 'gravity bar' for the free pint of guiness and a total view of Dublin city. Tried my first real guiness- the pic says it all- eg/ Gray got 2 pints~Spent an enjoyable hour or so after that in their restaurant, then down to the shop for a spot of light retail therapy.
When we came out there were big horses and buggy rides so we took this into town- it was great. The horse looked like a clydesdale but a little smaller and apparently this breed can be used even when they arent gelded- so we had a stallion! He was beautiful.
We passed a post box like in our other 'at arms length photo' already posted but being in Ireland, this one is green so of course had to get a shot (tourists!)
When we were dropped off in the temple bar area, we shopped a bit more and wandered aorund then Graeme, me and Jen (Gaye and Jen are mother and daughter from the gold coast) heard a guy singing and playing guitar in a pub we were passing, so went in for another guiness. This guy was great and played us all the rock songs- could have stayed there permanently.
Have him playing on video so I told him he will be world famous in NZ! Thats the stuff you cant plan and leaves a great memory about Dublin- they are so friendly there too.
Also went past the Clarence hotel which the band U2 own, it used to be run down but let them play there when they first started out and were trying t get a break, so they wanted to buy it when they became famous and could afford it! Its the building in the last photo.
Then we walked back to the hotel, cleaned up then to the hotel restaurant for an enjoyable meal.
Tomorrow we are off to somewhere else in Ireland- not sure where, hoping the master farter further up in the bus who stinks out the bus all day long- reins it in cos Pete bought us an air freshener which Graeme is going to stick above the sour old bugger if ihe does it for the 4th day in a row,
Oh and heres something Irish- everytime you give blood here you are given a pint of guiness, not a bikkie and a cup for tea- AND all Mums in the maternity wards are offered and given guiness after they have given birth!!!!!!!
Hot damn! now you tell us about the Guiness after giving birth. I guess the nearest we'll get to that is a Guiness for a heart attack, or Guiness at our wakes!!
I hope that you have some photo's of that horse lol!!!
Mum I thing that you should start to drink guiness that photo did say everything! (I love this stiff its the best in the world, what do you call it?
We call it Guness OMG I hate that!)
lol just joking
Love Danni
Hi Gill C here
Have got to add - Graeme not only do you have Danish blood but ALSO IRISH!! - so must surely be chief. Your Nana's father was from Ireland.
Oh and about the Master Farter - Barry says are you sure it's not Graeme sneeking down the bus and blaming the poor old bugger!
Catch you later.
Hi maybe we should be giving all our mothers guiness might increase the breastfeeding rates.I know years ago we did offer stout to new mothers,foul stuff but was meant to increase lactation!!Sounds like your group on the bus has not totally gelled,pretty hard but I daresay as long as there are some small groups that click it is OK.
Mum- no you can come here and give blood then get a pint. Probably an irish medical thing, take out a pint-put back a pint lol!
Dan- no pics of the horse Dan cos our camera went flat! ut he was a rich dark colour somewhere between a bay and black and he had feathers on his feet. Just a lot shorter than a clydie.
Was amazed they could harness a stallion and he didnt play up at all- he even knew when thelights changed colour and when to go!!
How was your ride on Sara the other week??? Was she good? Are you going out again soon?
Gill- if Graeme smelt like this guy- I would put him off the bus. He is a grumpy old (ish) man who is always lined up for the baked beans and eggs at brekky every day!
He is going to get an air freshener up his nose soon!!
Sharon- I cant imagine them giving alcohol these days as its all so p.c. Would be interesting to find out their b/f rates over here then !!!lol
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