Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hey where the smart comments??!

Am disappointed- I expected lots of flack and comments about Graeme doing the gay gordon- WITH the proof in the pics lmao!!

Bring it on NZ!!


Ma and Pa said...

To be honest I have spent much time deciding whether to call Graeme Gay Gordon or Hairy McLairy, with the latest photo of him. He looks cross between a hairy Scot and a gay Viking (the horns look a bit limp). Obviously you are gathering a good crew around you while travelling - should be able to with all those Aussies...oh, and how are the hangovers? the best cure is to start drinking again as soon as you start to feel bad.

Anonymous said...

You asked for them but to be truthful, he is just a "chip off the old blocks". You know we love dancing - must be in the blood - Weyhey!!
Sounds like a good time is being had by all. Keep up the blogs.

deliverygirlnz said...

Mum- hmmmmmm hairy mcleary sounds about right- we have 3 guys very good at accents, indian, scots, frank spenser etc etc! very funny.

we expect lots of flak from all of youplease!!

Hey dad have you read a couple of comments for you re the lancashire fuseliers etc?????

Drinking- its funny you can drink more when you are away and it soesnt affect you so badly the next day- had a cotton wool mouth the other day is all- so far!

Gill- the dancing was hilarious- gray is sure he got to get up all the time because "Im so good looking" hahahahaha (but he does scrub up well!)Hope Barry had a good birthday along with Gav, sorry we didnt have internet to email you but we did think of them.