We tidied up today and got packed, ready to leave Octopus resort- perfect weather of course!!! We have had all weathers while here which was actually quite neat, sun, cloud (cooler) blustery wind, rain and back to the sun! Cant complain.
We all went over the hill on a steep track yesterday to the village church service (me clinging on Graemes arm cos of my knee!) in the pouring rain- meant we were all nice and cool when we got there – seriously!. The service included a christening which was great and we had been talked through the ceremony beforehand as it is all in Fijian.
The church choir was out of this world- they have won competitions all over the yasawa islands…. Was so powerful it moved me almost to tears, but I was staunch and swallowed it down of course!
Today we lay around the pool after we checked out of our rooms- the girls have really enjoyed the dorm- the 3 girls all decided to tke part in the flax basket weaving session.
Two hours later they have a pretty impressive basket each, with lots of help from their ever patient Fijian teacher man ( complete with his avaiator sunnies!) He then tells them that he can knock off one of these baskets in 3 mins- from scratch!!!!
At 3pm we caught the big yasawa flyer boat back to the mainland Took 2 ¼ hours, seemed very slow cos we were going back and it was pretty smelly inside the cabin!!
Got back and had true air conditioning in the bus- no windows!! It was great. Now back at the mercure hotel, we have had a wonderful dinner (with no sand under our feet for the 1st time in a week!) and the girls are already in bed (8.15pm!).
Tomorrow we are going into Nadi as the older 2 girls want to shop with their remaining money and have a go at bartering. They also want to go to one of the two Mc Donalds, so we will walk down to that then off to the airport.
We will arrive home at midnight-ish tomorrow night, in Auckland. Bula to a great holiday!